Per Board of Trustees Bylaws, Article V - Section 5.01 - F:
"Voting. Unless otherwise provided herein, the vote of a majority of the registered members present and voting or by absentee ballot will be necessary for approval or disapproval of the action being voted upon. Registered members unable to be present in an annual membership meeting may vote by absentee ballot upon application to the ministry office in advance of the meeting date. Absentee ballots must be returned prior to the meeting. Absentee ballots will not be accepted at special membership meetings."
"Voting. Unless otherwise provided herein, the vote of a majority of the registered members present and voting or by absentee ballot will be necessary for approval or disapproval of the action being voted upon. Registered members unable to be present in an annual membership meeting may vote by absentee ballot upon application to the ministry office in advance of the meeting date. Absentee ballots must be returned prior to the meeting. Absentee ballots will not be accepted at special membership meetings."
PLEASE NOTE : Absentee Ballots are available ONLY to those who directly request for it directly to the UVC Office. Please do not share this link as ballots cast from unrequested persons will be invalid and NOT counted in the meeting vote.
Candidate Voting |
Please enter the name for each candidate in the selection boxes below in order of preference (first selection = candidate most desired for election; fourth candidate = candidate least desired for election) Your candidates are:
Holly Godfrey - Anna Griesbach - Tim Mabbott - Dennis Smith - Keith Wilson
Holly Godfrey - Anna Griesbach - Tim Mabbott - Dennis Smith - Keith Wilson
Special Member Note: 2023 has been a cold and snowy year thus far causing UVC to cancel several Sunday Services. As members, you recognize how deeply a cancelled service can affect the annual income for UVC. Please consider being a financially sustaining member to co-create the enduring legacy of UVC and sharing the message of the Unity Movement.
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