Is Unity Village Chapel your spiritual home providing Spiritual Growth & Abundant Living?
If your heart is with Unity Village Chapel and wish to join us as a sustaining contributor to this ministry, we encourage you to set up an automatically recurring AutoGiving contribution. As a sustaining contributor, you are consistently co-creating good in our world and in our community. This practice generates stability and allows UVC to budget effectively and expand consciously. Every offering counts toward ensuring the legacy of UVC providing the stable foundation to continue its growth and longevity.
Unity Village Chapel has been the flagship ministry located at the headquarters of the Unity movement on the Unity Village Campus for 100 years. We are proud to continue the spiritual support of all those who served before us and are honored to continue that support into the future of this keystone ministry.
Thank you for your continued support of Unity Village Chapel. We love you, we bless you and we appreciate you!
Unity Village Chapel has been the flagship ministry located at the headquarters of the Unity movement on the Unity Village Campus for 100 years. We are proud to continue the spiritual support of all those who served before us and are honored to continue that support into the future of this keystone ministry.
Thank you for your continued support of Unity Village Chapel. We love you, we bless you and we appreciate you!