In Unity, we believe...In Unity, we believe in One Power and One Presence-God the Good, Omnipotent. We see God as Love, Wisdom, and Divine Mind. We honor all spiritual practices and the diversity of paths leading to enlightenment. We believe that we are born blessed and through meditation, affirmation and prayer, we remember that truth. Through the law of mind action, we activate our good creating harmony & unity in our lives and in our world.
Unity...Knowing Spirit in All and Through AllWe know God as Love and acknowledge Spirit by many names...God, Life, Divine Mind, Spirit, Energy, Father, Mother, Creator. As we attempt to communicate our spiritual experience and name the Unlimited, we are inherently working within the confines of language which may triggers framework and concepts. We know God Consciousness is an experience beyond words and concepts. We honor this truth and the myriad ways we experience the Divine.
What is Unity? Courtesy of Unity World HeadquartersUnity is positive, practical Christianity. We teach the effective daily application of the principles of Truth taught and exemplified by Jesus Christ. We promote a way of life that leads to health, prosperity, happiness, and peace of mind. Unity has established centers of study and worship throughout the world where people discover and practice the Unity way of life. We address physical, mental, and emotional needs through affirmative prayer and spiritual education. We serve those who seek inspiration and prayer support as well as those who use Unity teachings as their primary path of spiritual growth. We believe that all people are created with sacred worth, and we strive to reach out to all who seek support and spiritual growth. Therefore, we recognize the importance of serving all people in spiritually and emotionally caring ways. Our ministries and outreaches are free of discrimination on the basis of race, gender, age, creed, religion, national origin, ethnicity, physical disability, and sexual orientation. Our sincere desire is to create spiritually aware organizations that are nondiscriminatory and support diversity.
What are Unity's basic teachings? We encourage you to explore and apply Unity teachings based on your own spiritual understanding. We believe this spiritual understanding is enhanced through reflective prayer and meditation. The five basic ideas that make up the Unity belief system are: 1) God is the source and creator of all. There is no other enduring power. God is good and present everywhere. 2) We are spiritual beings, created in God’s image. The spirit of God lives within each person; therefore, all people are inherently good. 3) We create our life experiences through our way of thinking. 4) There is power in affirmative prayer, which we believe increases our connection to God. 5) Knowledge of these spiritual principles is not enough. We must live them. Does Unity believe in the divinity of Jesus Christ? Yes, Unity teaches that the spirit of God lived in Jesus, just as it lives in every person. Every person has the potential to express the perfection of Christ as Jesus did, by being more Christlike in everyday life. What is the role of the Bible in Unity? The Bible is Unity’s basic textbook. Scripture comes alive when it is understood as a clear and helpful guide for today’s experiences. For more information check out these links: |
"A flower is a miracle, but it does not have the sight or speech to describe us. And our own ability is no greater than that flower when we try to describe God.”